publishing house

a company that publishes books, pamphlets, engravings, or the like:
a venerable publishing house in Boston.
Examples from the web for publishing house
  • That's when my literary agent told me she was leaving the agent biz to head up a publishing house.
  • The project moves me toward my goal of publishing more complex fiction with a larger publishing house.
  • The work of contemporary poetry is accessed through buying the volume from the publishing house.
  • Internal awards given by the publishing house will not be included.
  • So he got together with a group of friends and started a publishing house.
  • One can only salute the boldness of a publishing house still willing to give it a try.
  • He is approached by a publishing house with the proposal that he prepare a textbook in algebra for ninth-grade pupils.
  • Its sales saved his publishing house, but he knew that both his parents were appalled by it.
  • It runs a newspaper, a publishing house and several literary magazines.
  • He and his friends founded two arts magazines, and he was a partner in a publishing house that produced exquisite books.